Pharmacological Classification Of Drugs By Kd Tripathi Pdf

PDF eBook Of Essentials of Medical Pharmacology by KD TRIPATHI

Pharmacological Classification Of Drugs By Kd Tripathi RSDSA s Research Library. PHARMACY B Pharmacy Books PDF BOOKS Blogger. Information Mbbs mbbs syllabus mbbs subjects mbbs degree. Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor Wikipedia. Fenoldopam — A Selective Peripheral Dopamine Receptor. Scheme of Study and Examination for B RSDSA s Research Library. K.D TRIPATHI Pharmacological CLASSIFICATION OF DRUGS with Doses and Preparations 5th Edition Ebook PDF For example, the rst thing one decides is whether an analgesic or an antihypertensive or an antibiotic is to be prescribed; then proceeds to consider which type of analgesic (opioid/ nonopioid), or antihypertensive (β blocker/ACE inhibitor.

Pharmacological Classification Of Drugs By Kd Tripathi Pdf

Kd Tripathi Pdf

Table of Contents

What Is pharmacology?

Pharmacology is the science of drugs (Greek:Pharmacon-drug; logos discourse in).

In a broad sense, it deals with interaction of exo genously administered chemical molecules with living systems, or any single chemical substance which can produce a biological response is a ‘drug’.

It encompasses all aspects of knowledge about drugs, but most importantly those that are relevant to effective and safe use for medicinal purposes.

Pharmacology as an experimental science was ushered by Rudolf Buchheim who founded the first institute of pharmacology in 1847 in Germany.

In the later part of the 19th century, Oswald Schmiedeberg, regarded as the “father of pharmacology”, together with his many disciples like J Langley, T Frazer, P Ehrlich, AJ Clark, JJ Abel propounded some of the fundamental concepts in pharmacology.

Since then drugs have been purified, chemically characterized and a vast variety of highly potent and selective new drugs have been developed.

The two main divisions of pharmacology are :

  • (A). Pharmacodynamics and
  • (B). Pharmacokinetics.
Kd tripathi pharmacology

Pharmacodynamics :

(Greek: dynamis—power) — What the drug does to the body.

This includes physiological and biochemical effects of drugs and their mechanism of action at organ system/subcellular macromolecular levels,

Adrenaline → interaction with adrenoceptors → G-protein mediated stimulation of cell membrane bound adenylyl cyclase → increased intracellular cyclic 3´,5´AMP → cardiac stimulation, hepatic glycogenolysis and hyperglycaemia, etc.

Pharmacokinetics :

(Greek: Kinesis—movement)—What the body does to the drug.

This refers to movement of the drug in and alteration of the drug by the body; includes absorption, distribution, binding/localization/storage, bio transformation and excretion of the drug.

Some other important aspects of pharmacology are :

Pharmacotherapeutics :</strong pharmacological information together with knowledge of the disease for its prevention, mitigation or cure.

Clinical pharmacology :
It is the scientific study of drugs (both old and new) in man.

Chemotherapy :
It is the treatment of systemic infection/malignancy with specific drugs that have selective toxicity for the infecting organism/malignant cell with no/minimal effects on the host

Pharmacy :
It is the art and science of compounding and dispensing drugs or preparing suitable dosage forms for administration of drugs to man or animals.

Toxicology :
It is the study of poisonous effect of drugs and other chemicals (household, environmental pollutant, industrial, agricultural, homicidal) with emphasis on detection, prevention and treatment of poisonings.

PDF eBook Of Essentials of Medical Pharmacology by KD TRIPATHI

BOOK’S NAME : Essentials of Medical Pharmacology
WRITER : KD Tripathi (KDT)
EDITION : 7th Edition

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Through a series of eye catching charts, the 5th edition of Pharmacological Classification Of Drugs With Doses And Preparations Pdf Download presents a systematized and updated listing of easy to remember drug classifications, which are also therapeutically meaningful.

About Pharmacological Classification Of Drugs With Doses And Preparations Pdf Download

lt is a useful aid to quickly allocate a drug to its appropriate pharmacological/therapeutic category. Such an orderly listing has become particularly relevant in view of the current availability of a very large number of drugs. Each classification is followed by core prescribing information about every member drug, viz. dose, routes and frequency of administration, alongwith a limited number of leading proprietary (brand) names and dosage forms. This makes the booklet a ready reckoner as well for prescribing with accuracy and confidence.

Pharmacological Classification Of Drugs By Kd Tripathi Pdf Download

Pharmacological Classification Of Drugs With Doses And Preparations KD Tripathi Pdf, 5th Edition A systematized listing of drugs according to their primary actions, mechanisms, chemical nature, clinical uses and/or other relevant characteristics is the first step to learn about them. The mental exercise to prescribe a drug for a patient starts with identifying the class of drugs to be prescribed and then selecting the specific member most appropriate for that patient according to its subclass/group/individual characteristic.

Kd Tripathi Pharmacology

For example, the first thing one decides is whether an analgesic or an antihypertensive or an antibiotic is to be prescribed; then proceeds to consider which type of analgesic (opioid/nonopioid), or antihypertensive (? blocker/ACE inhibitor, etc.), or antibiotic (?-lactam/fluoroquinolone, etc.) is required and then which specific member is most suitable. On the other hand, every drug is known by its class and subclass, e.g. furosemide is a high-ceiling diuretic, glibenclamide is a sulfonylurea antidiabetic. As such, drug classifications are pivotal to pharmacology students and highly valuable to prescribing doctors.